The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST)

What is TRUST?

The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) provides education and required online testing for recreational drone pilots on important safety and regulatory topics. If you plan to fly your drone under The Exception for Recreational Flyers, you must complete TRUST first. Note that you need both a recreational registration and TRUST in order to legally fly your drone in the national airspace.

TRUST Content

TRUST is divided into 4 sections:

  1. Requirements
    What it means to fly recreationally, types of airspace, restrictions, and authorizations.

  2. Preparation
    Pre-flight activities, weather, obstacles, distractions, and flight path.

  3. Safety
    Community Based Organizations, visual line of sight, first person view (FPV), and obstacle avoidance.

  4. Limitations
    Knowing your UAS, connection/signal strength, automated features, and practice flights.

After each section, you will answer a series of multiple choice and true/false questions. If you answer incorrectly, you will see an explanation and be given an opportunity to select the correct answer.

Instructions For Taking TRUST

Step 1:
Download the TRUST Study Guide in PDF format (get Adobe PDF reader).

Step 2:
Choose a TRUST administrator. The following are currently accepting new students:

Step 3:
After you’ve passed TRUST, order a TRUST Completion Card to carry with you when flying your drone.